Open Art Farms
The Open farms (farms that can be visited), combining agricultural activity with art, offer us a unique experience!
Visitors have the opportunity to enjoy nature and the geographic experience, while creating art in a rural environment.
In Greece, through the “Open Art Farms” network, we map and promote various farms and agritourism units that bring together artistic expression with agricultural activities.
Some features of art farms include:
- Events and art festivals
Organise annual festivals or seasonal events that combine agriculture and art.
These events may include concerts, theatre performances, art exhibitions and agricultural activities, offering visitors a comprehensive experience. - Artistic workshops and seminars
Visiting art farms offer workshops for all ages, where participants can engage in painting, sculpture or even crafts with materials from the farm. - “Farm-Gallery”
Here the artworks are not only in the exhibition space, but also throughout the farm. The combination of crops and art creates a vibrant and dynamic space for expression.
Gibbs Farm – Νέα Ζηλανδία
- Tours of farms and art trails
These farms have walking trails that pass through crops, vineyards or olive groves, where visitors can see artworks, such as sculptures and installations, set in the natural landscape. - Collaborative projects
Farmers and artists collaborate on projects that integrate farming practices with artistic expression. For example, artists might create sculptures or installations using materials from the farm, while farmers provide information on sustainable farming methods and land management. - Farm-to-table art events
Similar to farm-to-table culinary experiences, farm-to-table art events showcase locally produced artwork in farm environments. Visitors can browse art exhibitions, attend artist talks and purchase artwork directly from the creators while enjoying the scenic beauty of the farm. - Artisanal farm products
Producers incorporate artistic elements into their products, and create small handmade works of art (e.g. from wax, etc.) and/or design unique packaging for fresh farm produce or handmade products, adding aesthetic value to their offerings. - Artists’ accommodation on the farm
These farms may host artists for a period of residence, offering them the opportunity to live and create on the farm. Artists are inspired by nature and the rural landscape, creating works that are often exhibited on the farm itself. - Supporting local communities
Farmers and artists engage with the local community through joint events such as art festivals held on farms or open workshop days where visitors can meet both farmers and artists, learn about their work and participate in creative activities.
Farms of the Open Farm network that also host artistic activities can be found HERE
(Open Art Farms)
Visiting farms that combine art with nature and agriculture offer an excellent opportunity for visitors to connect with the natural environment in a creative and artistic way.
They combine relaxation with artistic creation, creating experiences that are unforgettable.
Open Art Farm Days – Events 2024
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Open Farm Days
Reconnecting with our soil, food and farmers!
Open Farm Days is an annual institution about the open visitable farms and food production units of the open farm network, in all regions of Greece.
Visit a farm
After the successful events of 2023, Open Farm Days 2024 maintains a strong presence throughout June and September.
The farms of the open farm network will open their gates for two weekends: June 1-2 & September 28-29, to invite visitors who will learn rural stories, take a tour of the farm, take part in workshops and taste products grown and produced locally.
We are looking for ways to reconnect the urban population with the farmers in the periphery. The events page is updated regularly to present different activities and initiatives taking place all over Greece, with the aim of bringing people to open farms – even with digital tools.
Open Farm Days – June 2024 will feature both experiential on-farm and online events to keep the public engaged and connected with farmers all year round.
Διοργανώστε μια εκδήλωση
Πώς να δημοσιεύσετε την εκδήλωσή σας
Έχουμε τυποποιήσει την εμπειρία του Open Farm Day και την επικοινωνία των εκδηλώσεων, ώστε να μπορείτε να εστιάσετε στην αφήγηση της ιστορίας σας.
Προσθέστε τα στοιχεία της μονάδας / αγροκτήματος, ορίστε τη μορφή και τον χρόνο της εκδήλωσης καθώς και έναν μέγιστο αριθμό επισκεπτών (αυτός μπορεί να αυξηθεί αργότερα).
Ιδέες και περιγραφή των εκδηλώσεων
Μια επιτυχημένη εκδήλωση προϋποθέτει την επικοινωνία της ιστορίας και των δραστηριοτήτων της μονάδας, με τρόπο που να είναι προσβάσιμος, διαδραστικός και διασκεδαστικός για τους επισκέπτες, ώστε να τους δώσει μια εμπειρία που θα αναπολούν. Ακολουθεί μια λίστα από κάποιες ιδέες / ενδεικτικές δραστηριότητες που θα μπορούσατε να οργανώσετε στο αγρόκτημά σας:
- Ξενάγηση στο αγρόκτημα – μονάδα.
- Παρουσίαση των ανθρώπων, των ζώων και των φυτών της φάρμας.
- Παρουσίαση μιας ημέρας στο αγρόκτημα.
- Συλλογή προϊόντων από το αγρόκτημα.
- Δοκιμή των φρέσκων ή μεταποιημένων προϊόντων που παράγει η μονάδα – γευσιγνωσία.
- Μαγειρική στο αγρόκτημα.
- Εκπαιδευτικά εργαστήρια διάφορων δραστηριοτήτων.
- Καλλιέργεια – φροντίδα λαχανικών.
- Δημιουργία σπορείων – μεταφυτεύσεις λαχανικών – βοτάνων / χρήση ανακυκλούμενων υλικών.
- Ερευνήστε το έδαφος – γαιοσκώληκες, ρίζες, έντομα & μικροοργανισμοί.
- Κομποστοποίηση – παρουσίαση της διαδικασίας παραγωγής κομπόστ στο αγρόκτημα.
- Δημιουργία μιας μικρής σκουληκοφάρμας.
- Δημιουργία ενός φυσικού μονοπατιού (με βότανα, θάμνους κ.α.) κι εξερεύνηση των εντόμων που φιλοξενεί.
- Μεταφύτευση ενδημικών φυτών, δένδρων / δημιουργία εδώδιμων αγροδασικών συστημάτων (food forests).
Συμμετοχή στα Open Farm Days
(για αγροκτήματα- μονάδες)
Λεπτομέρειες εκδήλωσης αγροκτήματος για τον θεσμό open farm days